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R.G. Consultants: Why start with Why?

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Why start with Why?

I recently re-watched Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk, ‘Start With Why?’. Simon's talk is one of the most popular Ted Talks of all time, according to Wikipedia it ranks 3rd in the list. This got me thinking; why is 'Start with Why' so popular? 

The Content

The talk is based on a theory Simon calls the 'golden circle'. The idea is that people are more likely to purchase your products if they are given the opportunity to understand why you do what you do, not only what you can sell them. People need to know the how you will provide something for them and what you will provide, but first they need to understand why you want to do so. 

Let's consider a hugely successful charitable event, Red Nose Day. The reason this charitable drive is so successful is that, from the outset, we are informed and given the information to help us to understand what a huge difference our donations will make. The 'why' we need to give to the charity is at the forefront. The what we need to give and how to give it is secondary. In addition, the presenters, usually comedians or popular TV hosts, are people who we already follow because they inspire us or make us laugh, so when they drive a cause we believe in that too. As Simon frequently says throughout his talk: 

"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it."  

Effectively, what Simon is telling us, is the need for people to consider the importance of a sense of purpose; the why they do what they do. 

The same is true for employees in an organisation. To inspire people to act for the good of your organisation you need to help them to understand why it's important to you, to them, and to the wider world. 

The Delivery

So, Simon has a great message which people can relate to, but that's not all he has. He is also a great presenter, and this helps to keep his audience engaged throughout his talk. 

His speaker style is slow and considered, apart from when he is saying the phrase above when it feels as though he is repeating a mantra. By the end of the talk, it’s difficult to forget his message. He also provides lots of relevant and popular examples as evidence that his theory works. 

So why is 'Start with Why' so popular?

Simon brings an important topic to life in a memorable and exciting talk. He shows us through both content and delivery that engagement is not just a one trick pony. Engaging the people around you takes considered effort, with a drive to create a buzz about what you do and the added need to communicate it in a way that inspires and excites your audience.  

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